Professor John Norcini
President Emeritus, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), USA & Research Professor, Upstate Medical School, USA
John J. Norcini, PhD is a Research Professor at SUNY Upstate Medical School, a Fellow at Presence (a Center at Stanford Medical School), and President Emeritus at FAIMER. FAIMER is a non-profit committed to improving world health through education.Prior to FAIMER, Dr. Norcini held a number of senior positions at the American Board of Internal Medicine. He has more than 200 publications, lectured and taught in more than 45 countries, and is on the editorial boards of several peer-reviewed journals in health professions education. He is an honorary Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners (UK) and the Academy of Medical Educators (UK). He has received numerous awards including the Karolinska Prize for Research in Medical Education.
Professor Rona Patey
Director of Institute in Healthcare and Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen
In this role I have leadership and overall line management responsibilities for >100 members of staff and 14 line-managers. I am the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition (SMMSN) Director of Education. The School has >3000 undergraduate and postgraduate students at any given time, delivers three undergraduate programmes (MBChB, BSc and BDS), around 20 postgraduate on campus taught programmes and several online products. I have overall responsibility for the educational governance of all education programmes in SMMSN.Leadership and support for pedagogic research and innovation is a key activity in my Institute with the Centre for Healthcare Education Research and Innovation. I am supported by a small executive including an Institute Research Lead, Education Lead, Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Lead and Dr Christine Kay, curriculum manager and administrative team lead. Recent internal teaching reviews of the SMMSN programmes and regulatory inspections of the Dental School and Medical school have all been positive.
I chair several SMMSN wide committees, both strategic and operational including the Education Steering Committee and a new NHS / University education liaison committee. As the Education Lead for SMMSN I represent the school at central university education strategic committees. I am the academic lead for the Fitness to Practise Network within SMMSN and chair Fitness to Practise committees for the School of Education. I represent the University of Aberdeen at the high level Scottish Medical Schools Board which provides a direct interface with the Scottish Government Medical Workforce Team. NHS Education for Scotland and Scottish Medical Schools. This group considers undergraduate medical education in Scotland and how this links to policy relating to and planning for the future Scottish Medical Workforce.
In this role since 2017, I have been a panel member for the full inspection and approval of three new medical programmes in the UK and reviewed the ab initio paperwork for two others.. I led the panel for one Physician Associate programme and for an ongoing review of learning outcomes of all UK Physician Associate programmes in the run up to regulation of that profession.
I have a long-standing interest in education and developed this further by undertaking a Masters in Education through the Open University, which I completed in 2005. This gave me an understanding of the theoretical basis of educational principles, which underpins provides the practical implementation of our teaching programmes. I have wide experience in developing and running teaching programmes, ranging from postgraduate training in anaesthesia and resuscitation to more generic clinical skills training, simulation training and most recently, re-designing early clinical training for medical students. I have regularly held external examiner duties for almost 20 years and regularly undertake external panel member roles on Fitness to Practise Committees for healthcare programmes in other UK universities. Examination of further degrees includes examiner for 9 PhDs and 2 MD awards.
Professor Andrew K. Rose
Dean, Courtesy Appointment in NUS Economics Department, Business School, National University of Singapore
Current Position:
- Business School, National University of Singapore, 2019-Present
- Dean, courtesy appointment in NUS economics department.
- Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, 1986-2019 (retired)
- Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy.
- Teaching and Research in international economics and macroeconomics.
- Senior Fellow of the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER), 2013-Present.
- B.T. Rocca Jr. Professor of International Business and Trade, U.C. Berkeley, 1998-Present (now emeritus).
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1983-1986.
- Majors: Econometrics; Monetary Economics. Minors: Finance; International Economics.
- Thesis: “The Autoregressivity Paradox in Macroeconomics”.
- Supervisors: Professors: S. Fischer; J. Hausman; O. Blanchard; and D. Quah.
- Scholarship: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council doctoral fellowship.
M.Phil. Nuffield College, University of Oxford, 1981-1983.
- Majors: Econometrics; International Finance. Minors: Microeconomics; Macroeconomics.
- Thesis: “Intervention on the Canadian Foreign Exchanges”.
- Supervisors: Professor D. Hendry; Dr. C. Bliss; Professor W.M. Gorman.
- Scholarships: Commonwealth and Mackenzie King fellowships.
B.A.(Honours) Trinity College, University of Toronto, 1977-1981.
- Major: Economics. Minor: Philosophy. Graduated with high distinction (summa cum laude).
- Thesis: “An Econometric Analysis of Policy Options for Macroeconomic Stability”.
- Supervisors: Professors G. Helleiner; S. Hollander; and D. Allen.
- Scholarships: Morgan gold medal; Ashley award; various academic prizes.
- Citizenships: Canada; UK; USA.
Professor Lucie Byrne-Davis
Professor of Health Psychology, HCPC registered Health Psychologist, Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society, Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
I am an internationally leading translational Health Psychologist. My academic focus is on the psychology of health professional practice improvement and I am a Professor of Health Psychology (research and teaching) at the University of Manchester.Health professional practice improvement is vital for enhancing patient safety and patient care across all clinical areas, nationally and particularly in low- and middle-income countries and health psychology research and translation can hugely advance efforts to improve practice. For maximum impact, particularly in global health, research and knowledge transfer should be simultaneous . I work in partnership with health professional education and improvement organisations.
My CV details my work in the application of health psychology to health professional practice improvement: through health professional education (CV section C summary) and practice change, in applied research and knowledge translation partnerships (CV section B.2) and through leadership in health psychology applied to health professional practice (CV section D).
I am the Director of International Education Partnerships for the School of Medical Sciences. I lead on the strategical and operational development and sustainability of international partnerships. This includes contextualising medical, dental and other health professional curricula for deliver in other countries and development of strategy to support worldwide efforts to decrease the global deficit in the number and distribution of health professionals.